Tag  |  patience

disappointment and hope

A 5-year-old boy was told that his family was going to the Grand Canyon. He could hardly wait. When the day finally arrived, the boy was visibly disappointed. He said, “I thought you said that it was a big cannon.” When you’re hoping for the Grand Cannon, you’ll be let down, even by something as spectacular as the Grand Canyon!

simply love

The hope of change is in the air as we enter the New Year. It’s the anticipation of a new outlook or a new direction or the chance to do things differently.

waiting in worship

I’ve never been exceptionally good at waiting. While I’ve learned that waiting can only be productive if I have set the desires of my heart on the things of God, lately He’s been working on my attitude in the waiting.

ghost car

In 1939, General Motors created a “ghost car”—a transparent vehicle with a body made of Plexiglas. The see-through outer shell of the Pontiac Deluxe Six revealed a custom chrome-plated dashboard, a spare tire lodged in the trunk, and even the door-locking mechanisms. The “ghost car” debuted at the New York World’s Fair and then traveled to various dealerships before finding a semi-permanent parking spot inside the Smithsonian Institute. In 2011, it sold at an auction for $308,000.

go, reveal Him

If you didn’t grow up in a Christian home, chances are that you didn’t come to faith through a message heard on radio or TV, read in a magazine article, or heard in a debate. No, it’s likely a believer in Jesus entered your life and provided spiritual illumination beyond this world.

like Jesus

Last month I was a character reference for a friend who was candidating with a missions agency. All I had to do was give my honest feedback based on certain key performance indicators (KPIs). As I “evaluated” my friend, I wondered how my peers would rate me, not in my professional capacity, but as a believer in Jesus. I wondered…


I’ve figured out that secondary school boys are part of God’s plan to increase patience in my life. In my job I go from one extreme of teaching sixth form students to the corridors of insanity in teaching year 8 English. I enjoy most of my students, but there’s something unmistakably stretching about working with young men who totter uncertainly…


Several years ago, I had the privilege of interviewing Tony Dungy’s wife, Lauren, for Sports Spectrum Magazine. At the time, Tony was the head coach of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and—based on his faith, integrity, and contributions on and off the field—was highly esteemed by his players, community, and the National Football League (NFL).

Yet, though deeply blessed, Lauren said she…

good-bye egypt

The Hebrews’ life was literally changed overnight. For generations they had been slaves in Egypt—born as slaves, raised as slaves, and died as slaves. It was beyond their wildest imagination that they would ever be set free.

Now 2 million of them were traversing out of Egypt to a new land. But the exhilaration of their newfound freedom and status…

waiting to adopt

Few things are as beautiful as witnessing an orphaned child’s transformation when he or she is adopted into a loving and nurturing home. Each time I see a parentless boy or girl move from a state of starvation to good nutrition, from despair to hope, from abandonment to community, I hear the truth of Psalm 68:6 ring out, “God places…

you choose Q: "how can one finish better than he started?"

Q: In Ecclesiastes 7:8 it says, "The end of a thing is better than the beginning thereof." How can one finish better than he started?  —Okeleye

A: In these words found in Ecclesiastes, a book of Solomon’s wisdom literature, we find him emphasizing our need to patiently complete the projects before us. Sometimes a great start toward accomplishing something results in…

stand still

Some say, "If you’re not gaining ground, you’re losing ground.” That’s not always the case. At times, forward progress is overrated!

Many strive to acquire, gain, step up, grow, move forward, and make progress. While these things are good and we should aspire for better, there may come a time in your life when you cannot move forward for whatever…

keep praying

“Pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Have you ever prayed but felt that God was slow in answering your prayers? Have you ever prayed for a loved one to come to Jesus, but to no avail? Have you ever fasted as you interceded for someone in your family—wanting them to get right with God, but nothing seemed to happen?


value patience

Hebrews 10:36: Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that He has promised.

When a woman conceives, typically she must wait forty weeks for her baby to develop, and then she can deliver her child. The writer of Hebrews touches on this principle in his letter to…

bogged down

My computer has become a test of my patience. Beyond sluggish, it takes at least 10 minutes to boot up due to it being infected with viruses and malware. Being an impatient, impulsive button-pusher, I have to walk away after I turn it on. Otherwise, I’m tempted to hurry the process by striking a key too soon. Trying to keep…

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